
Neo provides step change for barley industry

04.07.23 InterGrain is excited to announce the release of Neo, a new, unrivaled high-yielding Imidazolinone (IMI) tolerant barley variety. With its exceptional yield potential, outstanding disease resistance, and extremely promising malt quality, Neo barley is set to… Read more >

UWA plant scientist awarded Australian Laureate Fellowship

04.07.23 Professor Jacqueline Batley, an internationally recognised plant researcher, has been awarded an Australian Laureate Fellowship for a research project that aims to revolutionise understanding of disease resistance genes in the plant kingdom. Her project A… Read more >

Rebecca Thistlewaite – Plant Breeding and Genetics

30.06.23 In the New South Wales Southern Highlands, at the end of a long country driveway, spread the brilliant green paddocks dotted with black cattle where Rebecca Thistlethwaite’s love for growing food was kindled. Having… Read more >

First crops of new herbicide-tolerant barley planted

26.05.23 A NEW barley production system will have its first plantings of seed for this year’s winter crop program by more than 300 Australian grain growers. The CoAXium Barley Production System combines a patented, non-Genetically… Read more >

New homegrown varieties for AGT 2023

17.11.22 This year has been a significant milestone year in which Australian Grain Technologies celebrated 20 years of grain breeding excellence. Proudly homegrown, we have become the largest plant breeding company in Australia. With each… Read more >

Breeders looking years ahead as growers start national grain harvest

11.11.22 As Australia’s grain harvest kicks off, activity is also building for the country’s crop breeders. Teams across the country are busy assessing the most promising breeding lines in field trials, while also monitoring seed… Read more >

AGT introduce Willaura wheat – the high rainfall specialist

19.10.22 In recognition of the growing need for slower maturing, milling quality wheat varieties suited to higher rainfall environments of southern Australia, AGT have developed the outstanding new variety, Willaura. Willaura was officially released at… Read more >

A Brumby galloping ahead with leading yield and disease resistance!

20.09.22 With a keen interest to diversify the characters in the wheat starting stalls, InterGrain has a watchful eye on its newest Australian Premium White Wheat (APW) Brumby in the paddock this season. With extremely notable form,… Read more >

AGT on a winner as ‘Patron’ durum hits the market

19.09.22 When you name your durum varieties after Melbourne Cup winners, it’s a safe bet that each new release will need some special qualities to beat the field. So it comes as no surprise that… Read more >

Combat to emerge the winner in feed barley battle

14.09.22 InterGrain’s Combat, the highest yielding barley variety in Western Australia in the 2021 National Variety Trials, is set to win the feed barley battle, with yields above the benchmark variety, Rosalind. Officially launched by… Read more >