Australian Grain Technologies (AGT) is Australia’s largest plant breeding company, and the market leader in wheat genetics.
We consider ourselves privileged to be able to serve Australian farmers and the world’s population by developing new field crop varieties that are more productive, better quality and cost less to grow. This is what drives our people. We want to see Australian farmers more prosperous, and the global population well nourished.
Established in 2002, we have expanded from a small wheat breeding start-up to a national company breeding bread wheat, durum wheat, barley, canola, and lupins across our four breeding centres.

Barenbrug Australia specialises in research and development, marketing, extension and distribution of proprietary pasture and forage seeds, cropping, turf and seed enhancement technology. There is a strong investment and focus on research and development, with significant programs being conducted at facilities near Howlong New South Wales and Gatton Queensland – as well as additional regional sites across the country. Barenbrug partner with leading national and international agricultural organisations to undertake collaborative plant breeding and research to ensure all customers can grow with greater productivity throughout Australia.

DPI is committed to growing stronger primary industries – understanding the value of innovation, sustainable resource use and risk mitigation. DPI is the largest provider of research and development services to primary industries in Australia, with more than 1,000 active research projects and an R&D portfolio of $100 million per year. As world leaders in food and fibre innovation, they are ranked in the top 1% of research organisations around the globe and work closely and collaboratively with industry, and public and private organisations.

EPG Seeds started investing in plant breeding and introducing new crop genetics to Australian farmers in 2004, as an Elders business. The expansion of the business in 2021 is giving more farmers access to the very best in seed genetics, improving productivity and profitability in Australian agriculture through the development of new seed varieties. EPG works extensively with Australian universities, research agencies and both private and government breeding organisations to find innovative solutions to the needs of farmers. EPG also have ongoing relationships with breeders in Canada, New Zealand and the UK.

GrainSearch was formed in 2002 by a small group of innovative grain growers in South-west Victoria and has since released over 12 commercial wheat and barley varieties, 4 of which are still widely grown. GrainSearch works with several Australian and International Breeding Collaborators to identify new high quality and/or profitable varieties for cereal growers and has expanded its program to include evaluation of varieties suited to many MRZ and LRZ regions of Australia – as well as its core strength working in the HRZ regions. GrainSearch has been owned by PGG Wrightson Seeds Australia since 2016.

InterGrain Pty Ltd was formed in October 2007 when the WA State Government and the GRDC privatised the long-standing and highly successful Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia wheat breeding program. In 2009/10 the shareholders saw a further opportunity to expand InterGrain, transferring the barley breeding program from DAFWA to InterGrain. A program that had been delivering productive varieties to WA growers for over 50 years. Corporatisation of the wheat and barley programs was consistent with the Australia-wide trend to encourage private sector investment in plant breeding and has enabled the establishment of a commercial wheat and barley breeding powerhouse committed to delivering profitable varieties for growers whilst satisfying end-user market requirements.

With 35 varieties currently available and more high-quality options on the horizon, LongReach has come a long way since it’s conception in 2002. LongReach, a joint venture between Pacific Seeds and Syngenta Australia, has set new standards in the management and operation of wheat breeding, both in Australia and abroad. It aims to significantly reduce the breeding cycle and increase genetic gain so that growers are well-equipped to handle new environmental, pest and disease challenges. This new, market-reactive process is achieved through the best technologies and proprietary traits in the world – accessed through various industry partners. Working closely with the Australian pre-breeding community, several traits has been successfully transferred into commercial varieties.

Nuseed is an Australian owned and operated broadacre seed company priding itself on producing and supplying Australian farmers with the latest seed technology in the highest quality products. Nuseed is investing in the future of Australian farming through its many and varied research and development programs, both domestically and around the globe. The company is actively involved in the breeding, development and commercialisation of the core Australian broadacre crops: Canola, Sorghum, Sunflowers and specialty proprietary crop innovations. The company aims to improve returns to both the farmer and the industry, in providing a range of products that add value, through the chain and post farm gate.

RAGT Australia is an Australian seed wholesaler, screening and supplying premium cultivars across Australia. The business is 100% focused on assisting grower/producers and processors increase productivity and profitability – and ensuring their outcomes proudly play a part in cultivating the good times in life.
Prior to today, RAGT Australia was known as Seed Force. In 2023 Seed Force changed its name to RAGT Australia, to reflect the businesses ownership and as part of a global branding change.
Seed Force was established in 2006 by a dedicated and passionate group of real-world farm experienced agri-experts and insider seed industry connections. From inception they quickly got to work planting local trials across Australia and attracting like-minded people with serious on-farm experience to join them. To make sure this new Australian seed company could be at the forefront of plant breeding and technology, Seed Force joined forces with one of Europe’s most respected seed businesses – RAGT.
With the backing of an international seed powerhouse, they could focus on drawing on the latest R&D and global class leading genetics to help agriculturalists get the best results from their broadacre crops, forage crops and pastures. Focusing on yield, quality, disease resistance and persistence, Seed Force changed the game and led the way – taking many on this great journey with them.
From humble beginnings to offering premium cultivars across a wide range of species, Seed Force were constantly growing, testing, finetuning and expanding their range – every year adding new cultivars to a proven system that gave farmers the power to grow.
Today, RAGT Australia sits as a new force in seed supply, ready to improve on the ground-breaking work Seed Force pioneered. Based in Shepparton, Victoria and with RAGT Seedsmiths located in all corners of the country, new world global genetics and local knowhow are set to proudly ‘Cultivate Life’ for all Australians no matter where RAGTs seed solutions and expert advice is sown.

Rice Breeding Australia was established to support the sustainability of rice production in Australia. With the goal of transforming the industry through innovation in rice breeding, the team is taking a commercial focus to deploy new strategies, tools and technologies. They are committed to driving the acceleration of rates of genetic gain in the industry, supporting the increase of agronomic research, AgTech development and pre-breeding research.
With the goal of transforming the industry through innovation in rice breeding, the team is taking a commercial focus to our practice and deploying new strategies, tools and technologies.

S.E.A is a national seed business, with affiliates in all key farming districts around Australia. It has the vision, skills, infrastructure and commitment to provide leadership and direction to the breeding, acquisition, development and distribution of superior grain varieties to Australian farmers. S.E.A is strongly committed to maximising the uptake of new varieties, subject to quality, agronomic fit, and a demonstrated benefit to growers.

Seednet (formerly AWB Seeds) is a national seed business. It has the vision, skills, infrastructure and commitment to provide leadership and direction to the breeding, acquisition, development and distribution of superior grain varieties. Seednet is strongly committed to maximising the uptake of new varieties, subject to quality, agronomic fit, and a demonstrated benefit to growers. Seednet believes growers should benefit individually and in aggregate from the uptake of new varieties and also that new varieties should demonstrate some desired trait or special quality advantage over existing varieties, and should make a fundamental contribution to improving the average quality profile of the national crop. Alternatively, new varieties should demonstrate some form of agronomic benefit relative to existing varieties, and should thereby contribute to improved gross margin returns for growers. Continued research and development is undertaken at Seednet facilitates through investment in a number of breeding programs. The products of such research have the potential to maximise sustainable production, accelerate the adoption of superior grain varieties and improve the overall quality of seed available to growers.

Trigall Genetics is the world leader in transgenic wheat thanks to the development of its drought-tolerance HB4® EcoWheat® technology, partnering with S&W Seed Company to further develop performant varieties for Australian farmers.
S&W Seed Company currently conducts wheat breeding activities in Australia, counting wheat within its crop portfolio alongside sorghum, lucerne, and various pasture crops.
See the below list of distributor information.
Australian Exporters Company (AEXCO)
AEXCO has appointed a number of Seed Management Collaborators (SMCs) to produce and distribute seed of their hay oat varieties in the key hay growing regions of Australia. For more information about location and contact details of your nearest SMC please go to the AEXCO website.
Australian Grain Technologies (AGT)
AGT aims to make it easy for every Australian grain grower to enjoy access to its improved varieties. There are two ways to source seed of AGT varieties.
AGT Affiliates are a network of professional seed growers and processors based in key locations across Australia, chosen to produce and distribute the very best quality seed of AGT varieties in accordance with the industry’s highest quality standards. AGT Affiliates are responsible for production, grading, sales and distribution of all AGT varieties. They offer both wholesale and retail sales capacity, meaning growers can access seed of AGT varieties from AGT Affiliates directly or through most agricultural merchandising retail stores. AGT does not sell seed direct to growers, nor does AGT earn any income from the sale of seed. Find out more here.
Seed Sharing™ is a low-cost way of introducing AGT’s improved genetics into your program. Seed Sharing™ is a licensed farmer-to-farmer trading scheme where grain of selected AGT varieties may be traded between farmers to use as seed. Farmers who have grown a crop of an AGT variety may sell seed to another farmer at a price or arrangement negotiated between them, providing they complete an AGT Seed Sharing™ License Agreement form. Find out more here.
Barenbrug Australia
Barenbrug is a seed company driven by significant investment in research and development designed to deliver greater productivity for farmers throughout Australia. As a member of the Royal Barenbrug group, Barenbrug Australia produces market leading varieties of pasture, forage, broadacre crops and turf. A national sales and customer service team ensures that farmers get the best seed varieties to suit their specific needs.
For all orders, please contact Barenbrug Australia on 1800 007 333. Seed License can be viewed at the Barenbrug Australia website.
Coorow Seeds
Coorow Seeds is a private company that provides a quality service to growers, seed producers, exporters, importers, distributors and end users. It cleans grain, sells seed, and exports grain and value added products in containers. The company supplies feed and food grain products for domestic and export clients. Find out more at the Coorow Seeds website.
Free to Trade
Growers can openly trade seed of these varieties with other growers. Please note that some varieties can only be traded freely between growers in specific states.
If unsure about seed distribution arrangements please check with the company responsible for seed distribution or contact info@varietycentral.com.au
GrainSearch is the largest grower-owned cereal seed company in Australia providing new and improved cereal varieties to growers nationally. GrainSearch partners with a number of domestic and international plant breeders to commercialise new varieties in the Australian marketplace, with 12 cereal varieties released to date.
Seed is made available to growers via key Affiliates who wholesale GrainSearch seed via local reseller stores as well as direct to farmer sales.
For details on your closest GrainSearch Affiliate and information about the range of cereal varieties, please visit the GrainSearch website or contact 0448 318 262.
InterGrain / InterGrain Seedclub Members
InterGrain is a leading cereal breeding company with varieties occupying a significant proportion of Australian cereal crop growing regions; bred by a strong team of experienced breeders who remain committed to delivering products which satisfy grower and end-user market requirements.
InterGrain markets its own wheat and barley varieties and has appointed a number of seed processors, Seedclub Members, who have the rights to produce, sell and distribute seed of new and future varieties. The company prides itself on breeding varieties which provide long lasting productivity gains for grain growers, working closely with Seedclub Members to produce high quality seed.
Wheat varieties including Devil, Vixen, Kinsei, Sheriff CL Plus and Chief CL Plus and barley varieties Spartacus CL, Buff and La Trobe are available for sale through Seedclub Members (supply varies between members).
Member contact details are available on the InterGrain website. Resellers and growers are strongly encouraged to access seed of InterGrain varieties through their chosen Seedclub Member.
Nuseed is an Australian owned and operated broadacre seed company. It prides itself on producing and supplying Australian farmers with the latest seed technology in the highest quality products.
Nuseed is investing in the future of Australian farming through its many and varied research and development programs, both domestically and around the globe. It is actively involved in the breeding, development and commercialisation of canola and Monola.
By providing a range of products that add value, through the supply chain and post the farm gate, Nuseed aim to improve returns to both the farmer and the industry. Find out more at the Nuseed Australia website.
PB Seeds
PB Seeds specialises in the field of fine quality seed and grains. The business is vertically integrated from the production of seed and grain, processing and packaging to marketing seed and grain domestically and internationally.
Catering for small to large quantities, from retail packs to containers for export, the company’s production processes have excellent efficiency and traceability with HACCP quality assurance. Seed must pass strict crop QA, grain processing and quality testing and final processed seed QA standards. With more than 20 years’ experience in lentils, pulses and other grains, PB Seeds is based near Horsham in Victoria with extensive networks across Australia and overseas.
PBSeeds is the commercial partner to Pulse Breeding Australia (PBA) for the release of PBA lentil varieties across Australia. PBSeeds and PBA are delivering lentil varieties to growers 2-4 years earlier by fast tracking the identification, multiplication, generation of information and release of new varieties.
All PBA lentil varieties are grown under a PBR bag license or license agreement and are available from many local resellers. Find out more here.
For more information about the seed distribution arrangements for RAGT wheat and barley varieties please call 03 5832 3800.
SeedCell (Nuseed)
SeedCell is an alliance between Nuseed and prominent seed sheds in eastern Australia. The SeedCell alliance will ensure high quality seed of Nuseed wheat varieties will be available in the volumes required for eastern state wheat growers on a regional basis.
All Nuseed varieties grown, processed and sold through SeedCell members pass rigorous minimum QA standards, including paddock inspections, and minimum purity and germination standards. Learn more at the Nuseed website.
SeedGroup comprises three separate Western Australian seed production and distribution companies:
- Australian Seed and Grain, Moora Phone: 08 9651 1069
- EDSCO, Kellerberrin Phone: 08 9045 4036
- multiSEED, Esperance Phone: 08 9071 1053
Seed Management Collaborators (SMC)
AEXCO oat hay varieties are distributed via a group of seed production and distribution collaborators.
For more information about the location and contact of these collaborators please visit the AEXCO website.
SeedNet Partners are a national network of 18 regionally based rural seed businesses servicing retailers and growers with SeedNet varieties. The network offers retailers and growers cost effective access to quality assured seed, backed by local knowledge and service.
For queries relating to the nearest Seednet Partner contact your local Territory Sales Agronomist:
- North-eastern Australia: Jon Thelander – Tel: 0429 314 909
- South-eastern Australia: Stuart Ockerby – Tel: 0448 469 745
- Western Region Manager WA: David Clegg – Tel: 0408 630 641