Harvest 2025/26
Select Harvest
Canola Varieties - Subject to End Point Rotalties (EPR) Seed Distribution Arrangements 2025-26.
Download a copy of these variety details here - Canola EPR Variety List 2025-26
Crop Type | Common Variety Name (all types) | Registered PBR Name (all types) | Variety Owner | Royalty Manager Charged with EPR Collection | EPR Rate $/ tonne (GST Exclusive) | Seed Distribution Arrangements | Grower to Grower Sales Permitted |
Canola | Avon | DG Avon TT | Nutrien Ag Solutions | Seednet | $5.00 | Nutrien Ag Solutions | No |
Canola | Bandit TT | Bandit TT | AGT | AGT | $10.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Canola | Baseline | RGT Baseline TT | NPZ Australia | RAGT | $10.00 | RAGT | No |
Canola | Bidgee | DG Bidgee TT | Nutrien Ag Solutions | Seednet | $5.00 | Nutrien Ag Solutions | No |
Canola | Bluefin | ATR Bluefin | Nuseed | Nuseed | $5.00 | NuSeed | No |
Canola | Bonito | ATR Bonito | Nuseed | Nuseed | $5.00 | NuSeed | No |
Canola | Brazzil | SF Brazzil | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $7.00 | RAGT | No |
Canola | Capacity | RGT Capacity TT | NPZ Australia | RAGT | $10.00 | RAGT | No |
Canola | Captain CL | Captain CL | AGF Seeds | Seednet | $5.00 | AGF Seeds | No |
Canola | Clavier | RGT Clavier CL | NPZ Australia | RAGT | $12.00 | RAGT | No |
Canola | Cutubury | Cutubury | Agronomy for Profit | Agronomy for Profit | $4.00 | Agronomy for Profit | No |
Canola | Dynatron | SF Dynatron TT | NPZ Australia | RAGT | $10.00 | RAGT | No |
Canola | Ignite | SF Ignite TT | NPZ Australia | RAGT | $10.00 | RAGT | No |
Canola | Mako (ATR) | ATR Mako | Nuseed | Nuseed | $5.00 | NuSeed | No |
Canola | Murray | DG Murray TT | Nutrien Ag Solutions | Seednet | $5.00 | Nutrien Ag Solutions | No |
Canola | Nizza | RGT Nizza CL | RAGT | RAGT | $12.00 | RAGT | No |
Canola | Outlaw | Outlaw | AGT | AGT | $10.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Canola | Renegade TT | Renegade TT | AGT | AGT | $10.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Canola | Spark | SF Spark TT | NPZ Australia | RAGT | $10.00 | RAGT | No |
Canola | Swordfish | ATR Swordfish | NuSeed | NuSeed | $5.00 | NuSeed | No |
Canola | Torrens | DG Torrens TT | Nutrien Ag Solutions | Seednet | $5.00 | Nutrien Ag Solutions | No |
Canola | Turbine | SF Turbine TT | NPZ Australia | RAGT | $10.00 | RAGT | No |
Canola | Wahoo | ATR Wahoo | Nuseed | NuSeed | $5.00 | NuSeed | No |
Canola | Yetna | Yetna | Agronomy for Profit | Agronomy for Profit | $4.00 | Agronomy for Profit | No |
Other Cereals Varieties - Subject to End Point Rotalties (EPR) Seed Distribution Arrangements 2025-26.
Download a copy of these variety details here - Other Cereals EPR Variety List 2025-26
Crop Type | Common Variety Name (all types) | Registered PBR Name (all types) | Variety Owner | Royalty Manager Charged with EPR Collection | EPR Rate $/ tonne (GST Exclusive) | Seed Distribution Arrangements | Grower to Grower Sales Permitted |
Oat | Archer | Archer | Grains Innovation Australia | InterGrain | $3.65 | Contact InterGrain | No |
Oat | Bannister# | Bannister# | WAAA | SeedNet | $2.30 | SeedNet | No |
Oat | Bilby | Bilby | SARDI | Barenbrug | $2.50 | Barenbrug Broadacre Agents | No |
Oat | Durack# | Durack# | SARDI | Barenbrug | $2.30 | Barenbrug Broadacre Agents | No |
Oat | Forester# | Forester# | SARDI | AEXCO | $2.00 | AEXCO appointed seed distributed | No |
Oat | Goldie | Goldie | SARDI | InterGrain | $3.50 | Contact InterGrain | Yes |
Oat | Kingbale | Kingbale | Grains Innovation Australia | Intergrain | $3.65 | Contact Intergrain | No |
Oat | Koala^ | Koala | SARDI | Seednet | $2.50 | Seednet | No |
Oat | Kojonup | Kojonup | WAAA | DPIRD | $2.25 | Quaker Oats | Yes (WA only) |
Oat | Koorabup# | Koorabup# | SARDI | AEXCO | $2.00 | AEXCO appointed seed distributed | No |
Oat | Kowari | Kowari | SARDI | Barenbrug | $2.50 | Barenbrug Broadacre Agents | No |
Oat | Kultarr* | Kultarr* | SARDI | InterGrain | $3.00 | Contact InterGrain | Yes |
Oat | Minnie | Minnie | SARDI | InterGrain | $3.50 | Contact InterGrain | Yes |
Oat | Mitika | Mitika | SARDI | Barenbrug | $2.00 | Barenbrug Broadacre Agents | Yes (WA only) |
Oat | Mulgara# | Mulgara# | SARDI | AEXCO | $2.00 | AEXCO appointed seed distributed | No |
Oat | Tungoo# | Tungoo# | SARDI | AEXCO | $2.00 | AEXCO appointed seed distributed | No |
Oat | Wallaby* | Wallaby* | SARDI | InterGrain | $3.00 | Contact InterGrain | Yes |
Oat | Williams# | Williams# | SARDI | Barenbrug | $2.30 | Barenbrug Broadacre Agents | Yes (WA only) |
Oat | Yallara# | Yallara# | SARDI | SeedNet | $2.00 | SeedNet | No |
Triticale | Astute | Astute | AGT | AGT | $2.75 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Triticale | Bison | Bison | AGT | AGT | $2.75 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Triticale | Fusion | Fusion | AGT | AGT | $3.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Triticale | Hawkeye | Hawkeye | AGT | AGT | $2.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Triticale | Jaywick | Jaywick | AGT | AGT | $2.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Triticale | Prime322 | Prime322 | Syd Uni | AGT | $1.00 | AGT - Contact your local AGT Territory Manager | No |
# please note a royalty of $2/tonne (GST exclusive) also applies to hay produced from these varieties
* please note a royalty of $3/tonne (GST exclusive) also applies to hay produced from these varieties
Pulses Varieties - Subject to End Point Rotalties (EPR) Seed Distribution Arrangements 2025-26.
Download a copy of these variety details here - Pulses EPR Variety List 2025-26
Crop Type | Common Variety Name (all types) | Registered PBR Name (all types) | Variety Owner | Royalty Manager Charged with EPR Collection | EPR Rate $/ tonne (GST Exclusive) | Seed Distribution Arrangements | Grower to Grower Sales Permitted |
Blue Pea | Noosa | Noosa | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $6.50 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors | No |
Chickpea | Boundary | PBA Boundary | NSW DII | SeedNet | $4.00 | SeedNet | No |
Chickpea | Captain | CBA Captain | Chickpea Breeding Australia | AGT | $4.50 | CBA Seed Distributors | No |
Chickpea | CBA Captain | CBA Captain | NSW DPRID | AGT | $4.50 | 6 seed partners nationally | No |
Chickpea | Drummond | PBA Drummond | NSW DII | SeedNet | $4.50 | SeedNet | No |
Chickpea | Genesis 090* | Genesis 090* | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | Contact PB Seeds | Yes, contact PBS |
Chickpea | HatTrick | PBA HatTrick | NSW DII | SeedNet | $4.00 | SeedNet | No |
Chickpea | Kalkee Kabuli* | Kalkee Kabuli* | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | Contact PB Seeds | Yes, contact PBS |
Chickpea | Magnus | PBA Magnus | NSW DII | AGT / PB Seeds | $6.50 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBSeeds |
Chickpea | Monarch | PBA Monarch | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $6.50 | SeedNet | No |
Chickpea | Pistol | PBA Pistol | NSW DII | SeedNet | $4.00 | SeedNet | No |
Chickpea | Red Khan | Red Khan | AgriVentis Technologies | AgriVentis Technologies | $4.00 | AgriVentis Technologies | No |
Chickpea | Royal | PBA Royal | NSW DII | SeedNet | $6.50 | SeedNet | No |
Chickpea | Seamer | PBA Seamer | NSW DII | SeedNet | $4.00 | SeedNet | No |
Chickpea | Slasher | PBA Slasher | NSW DII | SeedNet | $4.00 | SeedNet | No |
Chickpea | Striker | PBA Striker | NSW DII | SeedNet | $4.00 | SeedNet | No |
Faba Bean | Amberley | PBA Amberley | Uni of Adelaide | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Faba Bean | Ayla | PBA Ayla | Uni of Adelaide | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Faba Bean | Bendoc | PBA Bendoc | Uni of Adelaide | SeedNet | $3.90 | SeedNet | No |
Faba Bean | Marne | PBA Marne | Uni of Adelaide | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Faba Bean | Nanu | PBA Nanu | NSW DII | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Faba Bean | Nasma | PBA Nasma | Uni of Adelaide | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Faba Bean | Samira | PBA Samira | Uni of Adelaide | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Faba Bean | Warda | PBA Warda | Uni of Adelaide | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Faba Bean | Zahra | PBA Zahra | Uni of Adelaide | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Field Pea | Bondi | APB Bondi | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $2.70 | SeedNet | No |
Field Pea | Butler | PBA Butler | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $2.70 | SeedNet | No |
Field Pea | Gunyah | PBA Gunyah | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $2.50 | SeedNet | No |
Field Pea | Helena | Helena | DAFWA | DAFWA | $1.20 | SeedNet | Yes |
Field Pea | Oura | PBA Oura | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $2.60 | SeedNet | No |
Field Pea | SW Celine | SW Celine | SW Seeds | NuSeed | $3.00 | NuSeed | No |
Field Pea | Taylor | PBA Taylor | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $2.70 | SeedNet | No |
Field Pea | Twilight | PBA Twilight | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $2.50 | SeedNet | No |
Field Pea | Wharton | PBA Wharton | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $2.60 | SeedNet | No |
Lentil | Ace | PBA Ace | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBS |
Lentil | Blitz | PBA Blitz | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBS |
Lentil | Bolt | PBA Bolt | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBS |
Lentil | Flash | PBA Flash | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBS |
Lentil | Giant | PBA Giant | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | No |
Lentil | Greenfield | PBA Greenfield | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | No |
Lentil | Hallmark XT | PBA Hallmark | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.40 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBS |
Lentil | Highland XT | PBA Highland XT | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.40 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBS |
Lentil | Hurricane XT | PBA Hurricane XT | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBS |
Lentil | Jumbo | PBA Jumbo | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBS |
Lentil | Jumbo 2 | PBA Jumbo 2 | DPI (Vic) | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.00 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBS |
Lentil | KelpieXT | PBA KelpieXT | DPI (Vic) | Seednet | $5.40 | Seednet | No |
Lentil | Leader | GIA Leader | GIA | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.40 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBSeeds |
Lentil | Lightning | GIA Lightning | GIA | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.40 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBSeeds |
Lentil | Metro | GIA Metro | GIA | AGT / PB Seeds | $7.50 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors | Yes, contact PBSeeds |
Lentil | Nipper | Nipper | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $5.00 | SeedNet | No |
Lentil | Nugget | Nugget* | DPI (Vic) | Barenbrug | $5.00 | Seed no longer available | Yes |
Lentil | Terrier | ALB Terrier | DPI (Vic) | SeedNet | $5.40 | SeedNet | No |
Lentil | Thunder | GIA Thunder | GIA | AGT / PB Seeds | $5.40 | PBSeeds or choice of 200 authorised distributors nationwide | Yes, contact PBSeeds |
Lupin | Barlock | PBA Barlock | WAAA | SeedNet | $2.50 | SeedNet | No |
Lupin | Bateman | PBA Bateman | WAAA | SeedNet | $2.60 | SeedNet | No |
Lupin | Coromup | Coromup | WAAA | DPIRD | $1.67 | Coorow Seeds | No |
Lupin | Coyote | Coyote | AGT | AGT | $3.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Lupin | Gunyidi | PBA Gunyidi | WAAA | DPIRD | $2.50 | SeedNet | No |
Lupin | Jenabillup | Jenabillup | WAAA | DPIRD | $2.30 | SeedNet | No |
Lupin | Jurien | PBA Jurien | WAAA | SeedNet | $2.50 | SeedNet | No |
Lupin | Lawler | Lawler | AGT | AGT | $4.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Lupin | Luxor | Luxor | NSW DII | SeedNet | $2.80 | SeedNet | Yes |
Lupin | Mandelup | Mandelup | WAAA | SeedNet | $2.30 | SeedNet | Yes |
Lupin | Murringo | Murringo | NSW DII | SeedNet | $3.20 | SeedNet | No |
Lupin | Rosemont | Rosemont | AGT | AGT | $4.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Mungbean | Celera II AU | Celera II AU | Queensland Department of A | Australian Mungbean Assoc | $8.00 | Australian Mungbean Assoc Members | No |
Mungbean | Crystal | Crystal | Queensland Department of A | Australian Mungbean Assoc | $8.00 | Australian Mungbean Assoc Members | No |
Mungbean | Green Devil | Green Devil | AgriVentis Technologies | AgriVentis Technologies | $8.00 | AgriVentis Technologies | No |
Mungbean | Green Dragon | Green Dragon | AgriVentis Technologies | AgriVentis Technologies | $8.00 | AgriVentis Technologies | No |
Mungbean | Jade AU | Jade AU | Queensland Department of Ag | Australian Mungbean Assoc | $8.00 | Australian Mungbean Assoc Members | No |
Mungbean | Onyx AU | Onyx AU | Queensland Department of Ag | Australian Mungbean Assoc | $8.00 | Australian Mungbean Assoc Members | No |
Mungbean | Opal AU | Opal AU | Queensland Department of Ag | Australian Mungbean Assoc | $8.00 | Australian Mungbean Assoc Members | No |
Mungbean | Satin II | Satin II | Queensland Department of Ag | Australian Mungbean Assoc | $8.00 | Australian Mungbean Assoc Members | No |
Mungbean | Taipan | Taipan | AgriVentis Technologies | AgriVentis Technologies | $8.00 | AgriVentis Technologies | No |
Soy Bean | Bidgee | Bidgee | CSIRO | SeedNet | $7.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Bunya | Bunya | CSIRO | SeedNet | $7.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Burrinjuck | Burrinjuck | GRDC | SeedNet | $6.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Gwydir | Gwydir | GRDC | SeedNet | $8.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Hayman | Hayman | CSIRO | SeedNet | $6.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Kuranda | Kuranda | GRDC | SeedNet | $8.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Moonbi | Moonbi | CSIRO | SeedNet | $7.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Mossman | Mossman | GRDC | SeedNet | $8.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | New Bunya | New Bunya | GRDC | SeedNet | $8.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Richmond | Richmond | CSIRO | SeedNet | $6.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Snowy | Snowy | CSIRO | SeedNet | $7.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Soy Bean | Stuart | Stuart | CSIRO | SeedNet | $7.00 | Soy Australia Distributors | No |
Wheat Varieties - Subject to End Point Rotalties (EPR) Seed Distribution Arrangements 2025-26.
Download a copy of these variety details here - Wheat EPR Variety List 2025-26
Crop Type | Common Variety Name (all types) | Registered PBR Name (all types) | Variety Owner | Royalty Manager Charged with EPR Collection | EPR Rate $/ tonne (GST Exclusive) | Seed Distribution Arrangements | Grower to Grower Sales Permitted |
Wheat | Accroc | RGT Accroc# | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | RAGT Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Anapurna | Anapurna | AGT | AGT | $3.20 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Anvil | LongReach Anvil CL Plus | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Associate (PacSeeds) or Retailer of your choice in all states | No |
Wheat | Arrow | LongReach Arrow | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.00 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Artemis | DBA Aurora | Uni of Adelaide | AGT | $3.00 | SA Durum Growers Association | No |
Wheat | Aurora | DBA Aurora | Uni of Adelaide | AGT | $3.00 | SA Durum Growers Association | No |
Wheat | Avenger | LongReach Avenger | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.00 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Avoca | Avoca | AGT | AGT | $3.90 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Axe | Axe | AGT | AGT | $2.50 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | B53 | B53 (LG) | Elders | Elders trading as EPG Seed | $3.00 | EPG Seed | No |
Wheat | Bale | LongReach Bale | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.50 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Ballista | Ballista | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Beaufort | Beaufort LongReach | CC Benoist | GrainSearch | $3.00 | GrainSearch | No |
Wheat | Beckom | Beckom | AGT | AGT | $3.25 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Bellaroi | EGA Bellaroi | GrainsTrust | SeedNet | $2.50 | Seed no longer available | No |
Wheat | Bennett | DS Bennett | S&W Seed Co. | SeedNet | $4.25 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | BigRed | BigRed | AGF Seeds | Seednet | $3.65 | AGF Seeds | No |
Wheat | Bindaroi | DBA Bindaroi | NSW I&I | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Bitalli | Bitalli | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Boa | LongReach Boa | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.00 | Baker Seed Company | No |
Wheat | Bonnie Rock | EGA Bonnie Rock | InterGrain | InterGrain | $2.50 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Boree | Boree | AGT | AGT | $3.60 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Brighton | Brighton | AGT | AGT | $4.10 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Brumby | Brumby | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.50 | Seedclub Members / Local Reseller + Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Calabro# | Calabro | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | RAGT Commercial Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Calibre | Calibre | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Caparoi | Caparoi | NSW I&I | SeedNet | $2.60 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Catapult | Catapult | AGT | AGT | $3.25 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Cesario* | RGT Cesario | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | RAGT Commercial Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Chief CL Plus | Chief CL Plus | InterGrain | InterGrain | $4.25 | Seedclub Members / Reseller | No |
Wheat | Cobra | LongReach Cobra | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.50 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Condamine | SEA Condamine™ # | CIMMYT | Seed Excellenc | $3.00 | Seed Excellence | No |
Wheat | Condo | Condo | AGT | AGT | $3.25 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Coolah | Coolah | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Coota | Coota | AGT | AGT | $3.60 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Corack | Corack | AGT | AGT | $3.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Correll | Correll | AGT | AGT | $2.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Cosmick | Cosmick | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.85 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Crusader | Longreach Crusader | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $2.70 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Cutlass | Cutlass | AGT | AGT | $3.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Dart | LongReach Dart | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.00 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Darwin | DS Darwin | S&W Seed Co. | SeedNet | $4.25 | SeedNet | Yes |
Wheat | Denison | Denison | AGT | AGT | $3.40 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Derrimut | Derrimut | Nugrain | Nuseed | $2.95 | Seedpool WA, Seedcell east coast | No |
Wheat | Devil | Devil | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.50 | Free to trade | Yes |
Wheat | Dozer CL Plus | Dozer CL Plus | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.90 | Seedclub Members / Reseller | No |
Wheat | Dual | LongReach Dual | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.50 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Eagle Rock | EGA Eagle Rock | InterGrain | InterGrain | $2.50 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Elmore CL Plus | Elmore CL Plus | AGT | AGT | $3.55 | Contact AGT | No |
Wheat | Emu Rock | Emu Rock | InterGrain | Intergrain | $3.50 | Free to Trade | Yes^ |
Wheat | Espada | Espada | AGT | AGT | $2.50 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Firefly | Firefly | InterGrain | InterGrain | $4.00 | Seedclub Members / Reseller | No |
Wheat | Flanker | Longreach Flanker | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Fortune | Fortune | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.00 | Free to Trade WA only | Yes |
Wheat | Gauntlet | Gauntlet | LPB | SeedNet | $3.00 | SeedNet | Yes |
Wheat | Gazelle | LongReach Gazelle | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.00 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Genie | Genie | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.50 | Seedclub Members / Reseller | No |
Wheat | Gladius | Gladius | AGT | AGT | $2.50 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Gold | LG Gold | Elders | Elders trading as EPG Seed | $3.00 | EPG Seed | No |
Wheat | Gregory | EGA Gregory | EGA | LongReach Plant Breeders | $2.10 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Grenade CL Plus | Grenade CL Plus | AGT | AGT | $3.80 | Contact AGT | No |
Wheat | Hammer CL Plus | Hammer CL Plus | AGT | AGT | $4.25 | AGT Affiliates or retailers | No |
Wheat | Harper | Harper | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.80 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Hatchet CL Plus | Hatchet CL Plus | AGT | AGT | $3.80 | Contact AGT | No |
Wheat | Havoc | LongReach Havoc | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.00 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Healy | RGT Healy | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.25 | RAGT Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Hekto# | SF Hekto# | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | RAGT Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Hellfire | LongReach Hellfire | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Illabo | Illabo | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Impala | Longreach Impala | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.50 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Impress CL | Impress CL | InterGrain | InterGrain | $4.10 | Seedclub Members / Reseller | No |
Wheat | Intrigue | Intrigue | AGT | AGT | $4.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Ironbark | Ironbark | AGT | AGT | $3.90 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Ivory# | SF Ivory# | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | RAGT Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Jandaroi | Jandaroi | NSW I&I | SeedNet | $2.50 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Jillaroo | Jillaroo | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.50 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Katana | AGT Katana | AGT | AGT | $3.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | King Rock | King Rock | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.00 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Kingston | BASF Kingston | RAGT Semences | SeedNet | $3.55 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Kinsei | Kinsei | InterGrain | InterGrain | $4.00 | Free to Trade WA only | Yes |
Wheat | Kiora | Kiora | AGT | AGT | $3.25 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Kittyhawk | LongReach Kittyhawk | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Kord CL Plus | Kord CL Plus | AGT | AGT | $3.55 | Contact AGT | No |
Wheat | Lancer | LongReach Lancer | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Leverage | Leverage | AGT | AGT | $4.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Lillaroi | DBA Lillaroi | NSW I&I | SeedNet | $3.30 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Lincoln | LongReach Lincoln | NZICFR | LongReach Plant Breeders | $2.50 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Livingston | Livingston | AGT | AGT | $2.50 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Longford | Longford | AGF Seeds | SeedNet | $3.95 | AGF Seeds | No |
Wheat | Longsword | Longsword | AGT | AGT | $2.75 | Contact AGT | Yes |
Wheat | Mace | Mace | AGT | AGT | $3.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Magenta | Magenta | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.00 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Major | LongReach Major | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.00 | Associate (PacSeeds) or Retailer of your choice in all states | No |
Wheat | Mammoth | Mammoth | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.50 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Manning | Manning | Ausgrainz | GrainSearch | $3.50 | GrainSearch | No |
Wheat | Matador | LongReach Matador | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.50 | Associate (PacSeeds) or Retailer of your choice in all states | No |
Wheat | Mataroi | DBA Mataroi | NSW I&I | SeedNet | $3.50 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Merlin | LongReach Merlin | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.80 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Mitch | Mitch | AGT | AGT | $3.25 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Mowhawk | LongReach Mowhawk | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.00 | Free trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Mustang | LongReach Mustang | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Naparoo | Naparoo | AGT | AGT | $2.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Nighthawk | LongReach Nighthawk | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Ninja | Ninja | InterGrain | InterGrain | $4.00 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Nyala | LongReach Nyala | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.75 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Optimus | LongReach Optimus | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Associate (PacSeeds) or Retailer of your choice in all states | No |
Wheat | Orion | LongReach Orion | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.00 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Oryx | LongReach Oryx | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.75 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Ovalo# | SF Ovalo# | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | Contact RAGT | No |
Wheat | Parakeet | Longreach Parakeet | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.75 | Associate (PacSeeds) or Retailer of your choice in all states | No |
Wheat | Pascal | DS Pascal | S&W Seed Co. | SeedNet | $4.25 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Patron | Patron | AGT | AGT | $4.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Peake | Peake | Nugrain | Nuseed | $2.95 | Seedcell | No |
Wheat | Phantom | LongReach Phantom | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.80 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Ponsford | RGT Ponsford | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | RAGT Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Raider | LongReach Raider | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Razor CL Plus | Razor CL Plus | AGT | AGT | $3.30 | Contact AGT | No |
Wheat | Reilly | BASF Reilly | RAGT Semences | SeedNet | $3.55 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Relay# | RGT Relay# | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | RAGT Commercial Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Reliant | LongReach Reliant | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Revenue | SQP Revenue | Ausgrainz | GrainSearch | $3.50 | GrainSearch | No |
Wheat | Rockstar | Rockstar | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.50 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Rottnest | Rottnest | AGT | AGT | $3.90 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Saintly | Saintly | AGT | AGT | $3.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Scepter | Scepter | AGT | AGT | $3.25 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Scotch | LongReach Scotch | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.00 | Hart Bros Seeds | No |
Wheat | Scout | LongReach Scout | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $2.80 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Severn | Severn | Trigall Australia | SeedNet | $3.00 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Sherrif CL Plus | Sherrif CL Plus | InterGrain | InterGrain | $4.25 | Seedclub Members / Reseller | No |
Wheat | Shield | Shield | AGT | AGT | $3.25 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Shotgun | Shotgun | AGT | AGT | $3.90 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Soaker | LongReach Soaker | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.50 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Spitfire | LongReach Spitfire | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.50 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Splendid | Splendid | InterGrain | InterGrain | $4.00 | Free to Trade | Yes |
Wheat | Stealth | LongReach Stealth | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Sting | Sting | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | Contact AGT | Yes |
Wheat | Stockade | LongReach Stockade | LRPB | Seednet | $3.65 | AGF Seeds | No |
Wheat | Sunblade CL Plus | Sunblade CL Plus | AGT | AGT | $4.35 | AGT Affiliates or retailers | No |
Wheat | Suncentral | Suncentral | AGT | AGT | $3.60 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunchaser | Sunchaser | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sundancer | Sundancer | AGT | AGT | $4.00 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunflex | Sunflex | AGT | AGT | $3.60 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunguard | Sunguard | AGT | AGT | $3.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunlamb | Sunlamb | AGT | AGT | $2.75 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunmaster | Sunmaster | AGT | AGT | $3.60 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunmate | Sunmate | AGT | AGT | $3.25 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunmax | Sunmax | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunprime | Sunprime | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Suntime | Suntime | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Suntop | Suntop | AGT | AGT | $3.25 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunvex | Sunvex | AGT | AGT | $2.75 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Sunzell | Sunzell | AGT | AGT | $2.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Supreme | Supreme | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.85 | Free to Trade WA only | Yes |
Wheat | Tenfour | Tenfour | Elders | Elders trading as EPG Seed | $3.00 | EPG Seed | No |
Wheat | Thumper | Thumper | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.50 | Seedclub Members / Reseller | No |
Wheat | Titanium | EG Titanium | Elders | Elders trading as EPG Seed | $3.00 | EPG Seed | No |
Wheat | Tomahawk CL Plus | Tomahawk CL Plus | AGT | AGT | $4.15 | AGT Affiliates or retailers | No |
Wheat | Tracer | LongReach Tracer | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Associate (PacSeeds) or Retailer of your choice in all states | No |
Wheat | Triple 2 | Triple 2 | AGF Seeds | SeedNet | $4.00 | AGF Seeds | No |
Wheat | Trojan | LongReach Trojan | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.00 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Tungsten | Tungsten | Elders | Elders trading as EPG Seed | $3.00 | EPG Seed | No |
Wheat | Valiant CL Plus | Valiant CL Plus | InterGrain | InterGrain | $4.35 | Seedclub Members / Reseller | No |
Wheat | Ventura | Ventura | AGT | AGT | $2.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Viking | LongReach Viking | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $4.25 | Free to trade farmer to farmer | Yes |
Wheat | Vittaroi | DBA Vittaroi | NSW I&I | SeedNet | $3.30 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Vixen | Vixen | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.50 | Free to trade | Yes |
Wheat | Vortex | LongReach Vortex | LPB | LongReach Plant Breeders | $3.50 | Associate (PacSeeds) or Retailer of your choice in all states | Yes |
Wheat | Wallaroo | Wallaroo | Trigall Australia | Trigall Australia | $4.00 | TBC | No |
Wheat | Wallup | Wallup | AGT | AGT | $3.00 | Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Waugh | RGT Waugh | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | RAGT Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Wedgetail | EGA Wedgetail | NSW I&I | SeedNet | $1.45 | SeedNet | No |
Wheat | Westcourt | Westcourt | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Willaura | Willaura | AGT | AGT | $3.50 | AGT Affiliates, retailers, or Seed Sharing | Yes |
Wheat | Zanzibar | Zanzibar | RAGT Semences | RAGT | $4.00 | RAGT Broadacre Partners | No |
Wheat | Zen | Zen | InterGrain | InterGrain | $3.85 | Free to Trade WA only | Yes |