Barley Australia Announces the Results of Malting Barley Evaluation Trials

It is with great pleasure that the Board of Barley Australia announces the successful accreditation of two new varieties:

  • Spartacus CL IGB 1334T
  • Compass WI4593

These two Adelaide, varieties are from InterGrain in Western Australia and The University o respectively. The f varieties were accredited as Malting Barley following the evaluation trials conducted in association with the Malting and Brewing Industry Barley Technical Committee (MBIBTC) evaluation process.

Spart acus barley processed in a assessment under the malting barley similar manner to La Trobe and is mostly comparable in malt quality, with the agronomic advantage of imidazoline herbicide tolerance. It is well suited to export markets requiring this style of barley where starch adjunct brewing is undertaken.

Compass presented as a barley with improved agronomic characteristics over Commander, and with similar malt quality. It is most suited to producing malt for brewers with a medium fermentability and can be utilised in both sugar and starch adjunct brewing . Hence this variety is well suited for many domestic and export markets.

As with all previous accreditations, it is the market that will determine the success of these new varieties. The Barley Australia malting barley evaluation and accreditation process is recognized as the required standard for the determination of malting barley for all new Australian malting barley varieties.

Barley Australia congratulates InterGrain, The University of Adelaide personnel that have worked to bring these varieties to the marketplace uptake and commercial response will be watched with interest.

The Barley Australia website has been updated for Accredited , varieties the status of other varieties under evaluation. Preferred and the and their to reflect varieties will be updated very soon. Details can be found at

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