Grain Traders

Grain traders participating in the national EPR collection system can be classified into two segments depending on their mechanisms for collecting royalties:

Collect and remit traders

Grain Traders participating as a collect and remit trader support automatic deductions of End Point Royalties at the point of grain sale. The trader will deduct the relevant EPR amount from the grower’s grain payment and will remit this amount directly to the Royalty Manager for the relevant variety. Accurate grower declaration ensures the correct royalty rate is deducted by the trader, and remitted to the appropriate Royalty Manager. Grain Traders are able to retain an EPR Collection Fee for providing the EPR automatic deduction and remittance service.

In circumstances where a grower sells to a grain trader who is not a collect and remit agent, the grower will need to be invoiced directly by the Royalty Manager for the EPR associated with the sold crop. Information used to generate these invoices is collected by the Royalty Manager from a number of sources.

Data provision traders

When an agent is acting as a data provision trader, they provide a data report to the relevant Royalty Manager for all grain sales of the associated variety within a specific time period. The Royalty Manager will use this report to reconcile grain sales figures with the Harvest Declaration (filled out by the grower) to then generate an invoice.

There are a large number of grain traders operating as data provision agents.


The majority of grain traders participating in a collect and remit capacity have agreed to provide reports in adherence with the following timelines;

Collection Period: September 1 – December 31  |  Remittance & reporting date: January 31

Collection Period: January 1 – April 30  |  Remittance & reporting date: May 31

Collection Period: May 1 – August 31  |  Remittance & reporting date: September 30

Please direct any queries regarding timelines or processes involved with the EPR industry collection system to Denis McGrath at

Participating Grain Traders

Adams Australia CropConnect PB Agrifood (mungbeans only)
ADM Australia Deacon Seeds PB Seeds
Advantage Grain Esperance Quality Grains PeaCo
AG Schilling ETG Commodities Pinnacle Grain
Agracorp Export Trading Group Australia Premium Grain Handlers
AgriOm Fletchers Grain Priag Marketing
Agrioz FTA Foods // Ward McKenzie Profectis
AGT Foods FXG Group Pure Foods Milling
Allied Pinnacle / Soft Commodities Graincorp Quadra
Altora Ag Services Hanlon Enterprises Quaker Oats
Arrow Commodities Hartree Partners Qube Grain
Australian Grain Exports Inari International Riordan Grain
Australian Growers Direct IGH Commodities Riverina Australia
Beangrowers Inghams Riverina Oilseeds
Blue Lake Milling Itochu Robinson Grain
Brahman Commodities Jerilderee GH&S Rural Logic
Bunge JK Milling Shepherd Grain
Cargill / AWB L&W Investments Standard Commodities
CBH Grain Louis Dreyfus Co / Emerald Grain Venedor International
Cente State Exports Mandala Trading Viterra Australia
Chalmers Grain Manildra Grain Trust WA Grains // Grainbrokers WA
Chester Commodities Market Check (AgRIsk) Waterfield
CHS Broadbent McNaughts Western Riverina Grain
CLEAR Melaleuka Wilkens Grain
COFCO Agri Mellco Wilmar Trading Australia
Cootamundra Oilseeds MSM Milling Woods Grain
Croker Grain Mt Tyson / Qld Cotton XLD Grain

Today's EPRs. Tomorrow's Superior Grains.™